מעודכן ליום ראשון 21 באוגוסט 2005

SHAMIR, Dr. MBA Advanced Course
Analyzing the writing of explorers, travelers, and tourists from the seventeenth to the twentieth century, this seminar will trace the development of American literature and culture in a transnational context. It will use tools borrowed from narratology, psychology, anthropology, sociology, and postcolonial theory to analyze the meeting of cultures, the role of alterity in the creation of the self, and the trope of the journey. Its themes will include: discovery and encounter, conquest and colonization, home/homelessness, tourism and modernity, borders and hybridity.

Christopher Columbus, Letters
John Smith, from The General History of Virginia
Mary Rowlandson, A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration
Edgar Allen Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad
Hemingway, Short Stories
Paul Bowles, The Sheltering Sky
Ann Tyler, Accidental Tourist

By Stephen Greenblatt, M. Louise Pratt, Dean MacCannell, Sigmund Freud, James Clifford, Julia Kristeva, and others.

Short written assignments, class participation and presentation, seminar paper.

הערות: Second Semester
מועדי הבחינות:
מועד א' של סמסטר ב' הוא בחינת-בית או עבודה שלא נקבע עבורה תאריך.
מועד ב' של סמסטר ב' הוא בחינת-בית או עבודה שלא נקבע עבורה תאריך.