מעודכן ליום ראשון 21 באוגוסט 2005

0626.2271  שייקספיר SHAKESPEARE and HIS WORLD
גב' לינדה שטרייט LINDA STREIT , ד"ר גבריאל ביינר G. Beinerשו"ת
בקורס זה שתי קבוצות:

0626.2271.01 - גב' לינדה שטרייט. סמסטר א':
This course is an introduction to William Shakespeare and his world. We shall examine
his vast canon by first perusing the Sonnets, and then proceed to consider six plays from a generic perspective. Each genre will be discussed, followed by a close reading of the relevant text, encompassing: tragedy, revenge drama, comedy, tragicomedy, historical drama, and problem plays. Each text will be contextually considered against its socio-cultural background, to illustrate the mutual influence of drama and ideology. We shall examine the changing perspectives of the actor/audience relationship, and also attend a performance of Hamlet at the Cameri theatre. Relevant critical articles will be studied to evaluate the changing methodological approaches to the world of Shakespeare.

Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, Measure for Measure, Richard 11I, The Tempest

One in-class quiz, one take-home assignment, mid and final examination.

0626.2271.02 - ד"ר גבריאל ביינר. סמסטר ב':
This introductory course in Shakespearean drama deals with a selection of his plays, with at least one representative from each of the major genres. In each case, the course will define the relevant generic strategy and apply it analytically to the play, while attempting to take into account the particularity and complexity of that play. The overall selection is arranged in rough chronological order, so that it also gives some sense of Shakespeare's development.The recommended edition is the latest Arden, but the New Cambridge is a good alternative
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Richard II
Henry IV Part One
Measure for Measure
Troilus and Cressida

מועדי הבחינות:
מועד א' של סמסטר א' יתקיים ביום 26/01/2005 בשעה 16:00
מועד ב' של סמסטר א' יתקיים ביום 11/03/2005 בשעה 9:00
מועד א' של סמסטר ב' יתקיים ביום 27/06/2005 בשעה 16:00
מועד ב' של סמסטר ב' יתקיים ביום 07/08/2005 בשעה 12:30