Benjamin Henri ISAAC, Department of Classics / School of History,
Tel Aviv University
Born 10 May, 1945 in Geneva, Switzerland; Emigration to Israel:
1972; Married, 3 children.
1963-1972: University of Amsterdam Classics,MA (cum laude); 1974-1980:
Tel Aviv University, Classics P.D. (summa cum laude)
Since 1973 at Tel Aviv University. Currently Fred and Helen Lessing
Professor of Ancient History.
Isaac, Benjamin and Roll, Israel. Roman Roads in Judaea, I, The
Scythopolis-Legio Road, (Oxford 1982).
Isaac, Benjamin, The Greek Settlements in Thrace until the Macedonian
Conquest, (Leiden 1986.)
Isaac, Benjamin, The Limits of Empire: The Roman Army in the East
(Oxford, 1990, revised edition 1992)
Fischer, Moshe; Isaac, Benjamin and Roll, Israel. Roman Roads
in Judaea, ii, The Jaffa - Jerusalem Roads (B.A.R. International
Series, Oxford 1996)
Numerous articles and shorter publications
Fellowships, Awards, Grants
1980-1981 The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Visiting Member
1985-1986 All Souls College, Oxford Visiting Fellow
1987-1994; 1992-5; 1995-8 Research Grants from the Israel Academy
of Sciences and Humanities.
1991 Best Book Award for 1990, The American Military Institute
1992 Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC Fellow
1996- Member, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
1996- Corresponding Member, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
1992-5: President, Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies,
Member, editorial board, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem
1997 Overseas Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge; Visitor, British
Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine history; Near East and
Palestine; Jewish history in the Roman and Byzantine periods;
epigraphy; archaeology
Fax: 972 99557122
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