Benjamin Henri Isaac, Department of Classics / School of History

Short Curriculum Vitae (highlights):

Benjamin Henri ISAAC, Department of Classics / School of History, Tel Aviv University
Born 10 May, 1945 in Geneva, Switzerland; Emigration to Israel: 1972; Married, 3 children.

1963-1972: University of Amsterdam Classics,MA (cum laude); 1974-1980: Tel Aviv University, Classics P.D. (summa cum laude)
Since 1973 at Tel Aviv University. Currently Fred and Helen Lessing Professor of Ancient History.

Major publications (books and major articles):

Isaac, Benjamin and Roll, Israel. Roman Roads in Judaea, I, The Scythopolis-Legio Road, (Oxford 1982).
Isaac, Benjamin, The Greek Settlements in Thrace until the Macedonian Conquest, (Leiden 1986.)
Isaac, Benjamin, The Limits of Empire: The Roman Army in the East (Oxford, 1990, revised edition 1992)
Fischer, Moshe; Isaac, Benjamin and Roll, Israel. Roman Roads in Judaea, ii, The Jaffa - Jerusalem Roads (B.A.R. International Series, Oxford 1996)
Numerous articles and shorter publications

Awards and grants :

Fellowships, Awards, Grants
1980-1981 The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Visiting Member
1985-1986 All Souls College, Oxford Visiting Fellow
1987-1994; 1992-5; 1995-8 Research Grants from the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.
1991 Best Book Award for 1990, The American Military Institute
1992 Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC Fellow
1996- Member, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
1996- Corresponding Member, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
1992-5: President, Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies, Israel,
Member, editorial board, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem
1997 Overseas Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge; Visitor, British Academy

Areas of current research interest:

Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine history; Near East and Palestine; Jewish history in the Roman and Byzantine periods;
epigraphy; archaeology

Additional points of contact (office/home telephone, fax,etc.):

Fax: 972 99557122

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