Prof. Zvi RosenHebrew Version

Phone (office): 03-6409492


Education: Ph.D., 1957.

Academic Interests: Political and Social Philosophy; Philosophy of Religion; History of Philosophy: Hegel, the Young Hegelians, Marx, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Frankfurt School.

Current Research: The Concept of Religion in the Frankfurt School (Horkheimer, Adorno, Benjamin, Habermas, A.Schmidt); The Political World of Friedrich Nietzsche.

Courses Taught: Three Versions of the Social Contract Theory: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau; The Political Philosophy of Machiavelli; Philosophy and Religion in Hegel's System; Subjectivity, Objectivity and the Concept of "Self" in Hegel's Philosophy; Hegel's Philosophy of Right; The Young Hegelians: L.Feuerbach, B.Bauer, M.Hess; Marx' Concept of History; Marx' Concept of Alienation; The Political World of Nietzsche; Nietzsche's "Antichrist"; H.Marcuse: The Critique of One-Dimensional Man and Society; Frankfurt School: Horkheimer, Adorno.

Selected Publications:

1) The Young Hegelians and the Issue of Origin of Christianity, Warsaw 1958.

2) Karl Marx' Intellectual World, (Heb.) 1965.

3) Karl Marx and Bruno Bauer. Bruno Bauer's Influence on Marx' Thought, The Hague 1977.

4) Karl Marx und Moses Hess. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung des Marxismus (Karl Marx and Moses Hess. A Contribution to the Origin of Marxism), Hamburg 1983.

5) Violence and Tolerance (eds.Z.Rosen, Z.Tauber), (Heb.), 1989.

6) System without System (ed. Z.Rosen), Sydney, Singapore, Auckland 1990.

7) Moses Hess, in- W.Euchner (Hrsg.), Klassiker des Sozialismus, Bd.I, München 1991.

8) Max Horkheimer, München 1995.

9) Max Horkheimer: über die gesellschaftliche Rolle des Judaismus (Max Horkheimer: On the Social Function of Judaism), in- M.Lutz-Bachmann (Hrsg.), Kritische Theorie und Religion, Würzburg 1997.

10) Karl Marx' polemische Auseinandersetzung mit Bruno Bauers Auffassung der Judenfrage und der Emanzipation (Karl Marx' Critique of Bruno Bauer's Cocept of the Jewish Question and Emancipation); in- W.D.Schmied-Kowarzik, Vergegenwürtigungen des zerstürten jüdischen Erbes - Franz-Rosenzweig-Gast- Vorlesungen, Kassel 1997.