My research lies in the field of theoretical condensed matter physics. I am interested in strongly correlated many-body quantum systems. In such systems, the particles (electrons/photons/atoms) cannot be considered independently, rather their behavior at low temperatures is govern by collective many body physics. The superimposed wavy nature of these particles makes the problems in this field exceptionally rich and complex. The consistent search for small electronic devices makes this basic research pertinent to the fast developing technology of devices at nanometer scale. Physical intuition guides our theoretical studies that use advance field-theoretical approaches, such as path integrals, "bosonization" and renormalization group.
Recently I became fascinated with the topic of quantum entanglement in many-body systems, its symmetry resolution and its measurement. Specifically topological phases of matter display universal entanglement properties. This is strongly linked with the computational power of topological phases. We test these ideas both theoretically, and experimentally on real and noisy quantum computers.
Specific topics of interest:
- Topological phases of matter and quantum computation
- Strain enjeneering in 2D honeycomb (graphene-like) materials
- Quantum dots, the Kondo effect, and the multi channel Kondo effect.
I am looking for a M.Sc., a Ph. D. student and a postdoctoral fellow, please contact me directly for more info.