Vera Rabie-Azoory's letter:

Subject: your queries about sibling rivalry
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 21:30:01 -0500 (EST)
From: azoory <>

Dear Jay,

There is a new book you must read about sibling rivalry that will give you a totally new insight into the topic. I know because I wrote the book myself. So far it is available only in Canada, but I can send you a copy through mail order if you wish for $25.00 Cdn or $20.00 US inclusive. The title is They Love You, They Love Me Not, and it essentially addresses the issue of Favoritism as the key to a child's struggle with siblings. Moreover, it explains that Favoritism not only occurs in every family as a part of normal family dynamics, but also seems to be the root cause of all of personality development. This thesis plunges us into a whole new theoretical realm that challenges almost everything that Freud or anyone else ever said. It will certainly shed new light on your life, and probably the lives of those around you. Unlike most other books on sibling rivalry, it doesn't tell the same old story about trying to negotiate evenly between the kids. Rather, it tells the parent what s/he is probably feeling toward the children, and this seems to be entirely predictable. That is, out of every two children born in a family, there is going to be one who is Favored and one who is Disfavored. I like to consider it "cutting edge thinking" in the field of psychology/psychiatry, a phenomenon which has been extremely scarce in the last century.

Vera Rabie-Azoory, D.Ps.

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