So who's Justin?

I'm addicted to personal web pages. Sure, it's great to find all that fascinating information out there in cyberspace (some of it information that might even be useful one day), but for myself, what I like best is learning about people and the myriad ways they present themselves in cyberspace. Justin Hall is one of the best and most interesting of these, reporting from the edge of personal experience and creating community through honesty.

There are many possible ways in which people can present themselves, creating lives on the web. Some of these, including Justin, were examined in a previous column. There seems to be something inherent in this medium that while on the one hand seems distant and impersonal, on the other seems to invite people to expose themselves. Though everyone is free to present themselves with any persona they choose, strangely it seems that many people actually choose to be natural - if that's actually possible.

Go to: On losing a Cyberdentity