A sort of Pescachdik tie-in.

For some reason, probably related mostly to the fact that when I start writing it becomes hard to turn me off, I've been finding various tie-ins for the dates of these columns. Either something significant about the date, or some explanation of the technicalities of uploading that revolve around the date.

This time the column is being posted at the beginning of Pesach. Originally that made me try and think of a topic related to the holiday - Liberation, for instance, or perhaps the use of an online haggadah at the seder table. So when I decided on this topic, I thought that I wouldn't have any tie-in at all.

But then it occurred to me that text based e-mail is the ultimate Jewish media of communication. After all, e-mail, letters that are not only not handwritten, but are even without any physical human intervention like folding the paper to fit it into an envelope seems to be the ultimate expression of the commandment against graven images. Maybe I should check whether the members of the horn list against the idea of attaching photographs are Jewish.

Go to: The (Virtual) Shadow of Your Smile?