An ongoing saga.

I've hinted at my resistance toward getting a cellular phone numerous times in these columns, letting the cat out of the bag that I finally got one substantially after I actually did. What bothered me then was the gut-level feeling that once I'd have a cellular I'd not only have to use it, but keep it open all the time. I was right. I close my cellular only for performances or large meetings. The question becomes, however, whether I see my present relationship with that technology as the intrusion I predicted, or whether I've found that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The truth is, though the jury's still out on that one, it doesn't really matter. A cellular phone is now an integral part of my life, for better and for worse. I still feel myself cringe when the phone rings in a public place, or in a rather intimate meeting. I don't mind it when other people answer their phones but I still feel that a change has been forced on me that I would have preferred not to have had to make.

Go to: Compared to what, or
Go to: Confessions of a conservative technology freak.