I'm busy with my own games.

I've already admitted that I don't have the time for immersing myself into games of this sort. For that reason I'm not only a novice - I'm destined to remain one. As fascinating as all this may be, I doubt that I'm going to delve much deeper into it.

But that doesn't mean that I'm above all this game stuff, or anything of an elitist nature of that sort. Simply surfing the web is often a game - sometimes along the lines of "let's see where this takes me", or "can I trace the source of this joke", but especially when I'm examining personal web sites, asking myself why people present themselves as they do, and how much of what is presented actually corresponds to their non-online personae. Participation (and even lurking) in various discussion forums can be game-like. Leaving myself open for random ICQ chat is another sort of game - and one in which I'm free, if I choose, to play with the personae I project. And of course writing these columns, and maintaining a personal web site, are playful experiments. Not all of these are particularly interactive, or social, though most of them definitely have a social component to them. In a way they're do-it-yourself games - games that come without the pre-packaged wrapping of an established online game.

Go to: It's all in the game.