Shouldn't this be the main page of this column?

At one point in our ongoing chat we actually deal with the issues that most interested me:

him: i do like to communicate with other users sometimes when i'm at my computer. i usually have my computer online in winmx 24/7 here, sleeping or if i'm at work.
him: i use my computer for surfing the intenet and storing pictures. primarily as a jukebox for my stereo throughout the house.
him: it is amazing when i browse files of users taking files from me. i see things i don't expect.
me: and do you initiate conversations as a result, or just let your curiousity play itself out?
him: most times i don't have to initiate conversation unless i see a leach.
In other words, I really did get some hard data with which I might be able to do something ... like maybe write a column?

Go to: I might get turned off by this too, or
Go to: Strangers on a network.