The door, and both sides.

Our refrigerator door is well covered. Well enough that our magnets hold materials not only on the door, but on both of its sides as well. A rather simple inventory count lists:
We are, by the way, still searching for the set of Hebrew letters with magnets that the boys used when they were learning to read. Hila is very ready for them, identifying letters and figuring out in what words they appear. She'd be delighted to construct words on the refrigerator, and we'd happily make room for them on the door or on a side, but we can't seem to find them.

But no wise sayings? No pearls of wisdom? These are lacking from our door for a couple of very simple reasons. First, even though the refrigerator is prominently situated (perhaps too prominently situated, but it doesn't fit anywhere else) in our home, few people other than the immediate family ever look at it. Since only very rarely does anyone sit in our kitchen and drink a cup of coffee, there's no reason to relate to the refrigerator door as a repository of those proverbial pearls of wisdom. And second ... well, I've got at least one web site where I can post those, and a very long list of friends and acquaintances in my e-mail address book.

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