A lesson learned.

When I was about to get my first computer the obvious question, then as now, was which computer to buy. Back then, about fifteen years ago, my options were different than those of today. The basic question was one of PC or Macintosh, and my decision in favor of the latter is one I've never regretted, even though I ultimately had to jump ship about six years ago. But even within the world of Apple computers there were numerous possibilities, and my brother-in-law's advice of back then has remained a central part of my understanding of what computers are and do. Back then what I needed most was a word processor, and I was about to settle on a machine that did little more than fulfill that function. But he told me that it was inadvisable to get a computer that only does what I need it to do today, because tomorrow I'm going to discover that I'm going to need it for something else. Since then I've encountered numerous "tomorrows" and have been continually discovering that there are more and more functions that I want my computer to perform.

Go to: Burning memories.