You mean there are others?

Browsers? E-mail programs? For the students in my courses hearing those words in the plural was confusing. Their computers came, after all, with Internet Explorer and Outlook Express installed on their hard disks, waiting to be activated, and they tended to see these less as programs than as integral parts of the computer. To them, the thought that some other company had developed other programs for accessing the web or e-mail just didn't make sense.

Actually, in the first couple of years of my classes I taught with Netscape Navigator. It was (back then) my browser of choice, and I personally had a hard time making the move to Explorer, though the issue of Hebrew support made it quite obvious that the move had to be made. But what convinced me even more was the fact that all of the schools at which the people in my courses taught had the Microsoft products installed on their computers, and it became counter-productive to teach internet basics on a program that these teachers weren't even going to encounter, let alone use.

Go to: You mean you teach this stuff?