Salvage that book!

As readers of these columns probably know well, one of my ongoing tasks around the house, a task with which I never seem to be able to keep up, is that of throwing out the newspapers that accumualte. If and when I finally get around to the task, there are always a number of articles that I decide to clip and save. Since the filing cabinet in the house is already full, clipped articles tend to accumulate somewhere in the vicinity of my desk, and that vicinity seems to be in a continual state of expansion as more and more articles get saved. I wouldn't say that Tzippi has resigned herself to this reality, but she seems to know that there's little she can do about it. On the other hand, when she sees me passing by a throw-out bin by the library she's more likely to become a bit adament. Even before I find something, she senses what's about to happen and she'll ask where I intend to put the books, or even whether I truly intend to read them. Those are of course valid points, but they're hardly relevant to the fact that if I don't save them, those books, which I readily admit nobody wants, are going to be thrown away!

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