Did anyone really care?

Though it generated a great deal of interest when it first started, the adventures of dotcomguy quickly became little more than a footnote in the history of internet excess. Who really cared if someone who you wouldn't have found interesting even if you'd met him at a dull cocktail party decided (for a good price) to stay at home for an entire year and attend to all of his needs via the internet. My guess is that a good percentage of those who continued to view his ongoing, but hardly changing, life on the site set up especially for that purpose were students trying to conduct research on the phenomenon.

Our hero discovered that he could order pizza without difficulty via the internet, but by phone it was even easier. Thus the ultimate answer to the question:
is it possible to live an entire year without leaving your home, conducting all of your necessary transactions (almost exclusively financial) via the internet?
yes, it's possible, but who would want to?
There was no real justification for wasting a year of an even uninteresting life in order to prove the point.

Go to: The Boidem goes shopping.