Ahead of its time?

I admit that I definitely expected a response to my letter, and was even a bit puzzled by the fact that it seemed so long in coming. People who run educational internet-based projects are, as a whole, committed to proving that tools such as e-mail really work, so when they get mail they tend to respond.

On the other hand, it was a good guess that the person I was writing was busy - perhaps with even more pressing tasks than spring cleaning. I didn't expect a lengthy treatise, and what I received, though short, was definitely informative.
There were a lot of things that went wrong with GSD -- it's a long story probably best done as a case study. Don't really have time to get into it, but the summary is that it ultimately was too big of a project, too far ahead of the curve, the wrong team, and a technology-driven business model instead of a user-driven model.
So the gist of the matter was that the Global School District was simply ahead of its time.

Go to: Isn't that the reason we save them?, or
Go to: Reflections of a Spring Cleaner.