... sitting at the computer isn't the way to listen.

There was a time, about three young children ago, when I was able to put a record on the turntable, or a disc in the CD, and sit down for the length of a record and listen. I wouldn't even get distracted and pick up the paper and start reading, only to discover after about ten minutes that I'd stop listening. That rarely happens anymore. I hardly even try. Actually, the last time that I was in a concert hall I found myself enjoying it immensely, not only because of the music, but because there was no newspaper to pick up, no kids to distract me, and I was actually able to sit and listen attentively. I sit in front of a computer the better part of each work day, and nothing could be easier than slipping a CD into the player and listening while working. I've worked with numerous people who've been able to do this. I, however, tend to define listening as something that's done instead of other activities, not in addition to those activities. So even were I to find loads of great music to which I might want to listen, after downloading it I doubt that I'd find the time, or the right atmosphere, to do so.

Go to: Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!