Aren't we both!

I admit to being not only "well behind" on numerous projects, and even "hopelessly behind" on some of the more personal items I'd like to tackle. Is there any chance of ever really catching up? Perhaps this is the proper place to relate to the common fallacy that computers are time saving devices. Sure, having my recipes on the computer makes them easier to find than flipping through our cookbook collection again and again searching for that scribbled note that I'm sure that I left next to that cake recipe on page 37. But more often than not I can't seem to remember what catchy name I gave it so that I wouldn't forget how to find it. And oh, the amount of time that gets watsted on (devoted to - please!) learning the ins and outs of new operating systems, or the latest version of a word processor that doesn't offer me any new features that actually demanded moving to the new version anyway. Not to mention that favorite of all pasttimes, search for information on the internet, telling myself time and again that just one more time I'll try and find my search parameters before coming to the conclusion that what I'm looking for simply isn't there so that I can finally sit down and write that article, even without that absolutely necessary reference that it looks as though I'm never going to find. Working at a computer makes watching television look like a time saving device.

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