How could I not?

Actually, this particular link sort of raises a question about the possible community aspects of these columns. I really don't know who the readership is, but I've always assumed that it's mostly people whom I know personally.

That being the case, most of those people know that my main employment is at the Moshinsky Center for Research and Development of ORT, and that among other things I'm responsible for one of the forums there: Internet in Education. So it was rather logical that for one example of community I'd link to those forums. After all, they're not only an example. Often, they're a good example.

But when I write that my readership should have expected this link, am I also suggesting that the people who read these columns aren't strangers who have by some serendipitous path found their way here, but are instead reading this because they are already a part of an amorphous community? Probably.

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