But where does it say it?

Does "the Bible" really say that "them that's got shall get"? As is I guess predictable, Wikipedia has an answer (links added by me):

The lyrics refer to an unspecified Biblical verse: "Them that's got shall have, them that's not shall lose, so the Bible says, and it still is news. . . . " This likely refers to Matthew 25:29 or Luke 8:18 and Luke 19:26.
I should note here that I prefer the Billie Holiday recording where she sings "shall get" rather than "shall have". Considering that we're not dealing with a direct Bible quote, I guess I can stick to my preference. And there's no doubt that those three verses are similar enough to what she sings to convince us that at the very least that's their intent.

Go to: The tailless wooly internet behemoth.