The toilet, for instance.

Actually, it makes a great deal of sense, and was around considerably before wearables became small enough to make it fashionable to be seen with them in public. Back in 2005 CNN described a $3500 Japanese product:

The "Intelligence Toilet" system, created by Japan's largest toilet company, Toto, can measure sugar levels in urine, blood pressure, body fat and weight.
And even then, this wasn't really new. A year and a half earlier I briefly reviewed here the Japanese toilet war then heating up, and perhaps rather presciently I asked whether:
An insurance company might, for instance, attempt to verify that someone whom they insure is actually as healthy as he or she claims to be.
Two years ago a very believable public toilet hoax showed us that data may be data, but who has access to that data makes a big difference. For our own personal health reasons we may find value in a quantified toilet, but do we really want others, or the government, to have access to that information? The web page of the company that ran the "thought experiment" is still available, and explains it well.

The fact that we now have the tools for precise measurement causes us (or at least allows us) to view our lives differently than when we didn't, and compels us to ask how much, and which, information we really want.

Go to: The unbearable tedium of life-logging.