The one phone version.

I wanted to find the name of the group performing the piece quickly, and that meant that I certainly wasn't going to wait an additional week until I'd be lucky to be in my car at the right time to hear it and Shazam it and find out what it was. I'm not convinced that the "I want it now" ethos is a result of the internet, but if I have the tools to accomplish something now I see no reason not to.

But as this column was in the process of being finished and reviewed, at precisely 17:00 on Thursday afternoon, I found myself parking my car at home. And the now familiar theme music of the program starting then started playing. I of course already knew the name of the piece, but I felt that opening Shazam and running the check, and then reading what I knew would show up, offered a proper closure to this column.

Go to: The Never-ending click