And the answer is ...

Shazam works quickly. Within seconds I learned that the version of Take Five I'd been listening to was by the New York Ska Jazz Ensemble. It's accessible via YouTube where it's garnered more than a million views. They play it well, and I have no reason to find fault with them ... though I still scratch my head and wonder why 4/4.

Over the almost six years that the recording has been on YouTube it's received many comments, a number, though not a large number, of these relate to the question of 4/4 or 5/4. Most of these are of the "I like it! But why 4/4?" sort. And to some of these others respond - "just enjoy it". About two years ago a member of the band started responding to some of these YouTube comments. So to one comment:

Best part about this song, its 4/4 time.
a different listener responded:
actually im a bit disappointed. would be cool if it was at some parts in 5/4 or maybe a 4/4 over 5/4 or something crazy. but its rather simple. well i guess its okay that way. no offense :)
and then the band member explained:
when you state no offense it doesn't mean people won't get offended. Either way everyone is entitled to his opinion We actually do a 5/4 section when we play this live. When you have a room full of people groovin + dancing it doesn't matter what the meter is- the music has to be heartfelt + soulful.
Frankly, I don't care. I simply found it strange.

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