Once again, purposefully behind the curve.

If people today actually still "interact" with information on the web, then I suppose that the Boidem fits in (somewhere) within the web ecosystem. On the other hand, if "interaction" is passé, then the way in which the Boidem requests that its readers interact with that information pretty much makes it an archeological relic (assuming, of course, that the Boidem can accurately claim to contain "information"). Even when we really do search for information, the model that Google promotes for that search is "find it quick and move on". The Boidem bends over backwards to present an almost opposite model - rather than rushing to judgment, it asks us to defer any definitive judgment until we've played around with numerous possibilities. The Boidem celebrates the immediacy of information, but not in order to get us onto a particular path (or in most cases a specific destination) as soon as possible. Instead it allows us (and I can hope that it even requires us) to be inundated with forking and conflicting paths. The stream runs in one direction, while the Boidem prefers to find rivulets that ripple happily off course.

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