And who will read this now?

I'm not sure when I started sending out a monthly announcement that the latest edition of the Boidem had been posted and was available for anyone's reading pleasure. Over the years the mailing list (one in English and one in Hebrew) reached somewhat over 150 addresses. With only a bit more than a minimum of effort I was able to reconstruct those addresses, and that means that when I post this column I can also let people know I've done so.

But as is to be expected I've lost contact with quite a number of the people on those lists. I still recognize most of the names on those lists, and I suppose that many of those, including those I've lost contact with, won't mind getting a shout from the past and an invitation to read a new edition. On the other hand, there are probably more than just a few who today are quite happy that I've left them alone for so long and who won't mind if I continue to do so. (A number of the names on those lists don't ring a bell at all, so I guess I can remove them without feeling qualms of guilt or, from the opposite perspective, feeling that I'm doing them a favor.)

If I'm honest about my claim that writing a Boidem column has primarily been an exercise in writing to myself, maybe I shouldn't send out an announcement at all. I'm not really sure that it's proper to once again send out a new-posting announcement to those with whom I've lost contact ... but I guess I'll do it anyway.

Go to: There was always "why not?", or
Go to: It was nineteen years ago today.