It depends.

Toward the end of World War II, in what wasn't necessarily a decision based on the available information, the United States Army transferred my father from a job as a critically needed specialist, administering aptitude tests to new recruits, to a combat infantry unit as one more foot soldier, and sent him to Europe for part of the final push of the war there. Dad became just one more of an immense horde of foot soldiers who were issues rifles and pointed in the right direction. But for some reason the army still tried to train him, and part of this training was lessons in battlefield strategy.

Dad often told the story of how it was close to impossible to keep awake during these lessons, and more than once he'd be called upon to answer some battle-related question that he'd hardly heard (and probably hadn't understood). But he learned that a fitting, and apparently well appreciated, answer to just about any question was "it depends on the terrain and firepower".

Go to: The battle field of the (past and) future, or
Go to: It's too quiet here - I can't think.