Wouldn't that be nice!

I've been experiencing communication problems from home of late - for perhaps more than a month. I don't know if it's the modem or the service provider, or what, but while sitting and working in front of the computer I'll suddenly discover that I'm not connected, and may remain that way for half an hour or more. Though sometimes I can get through an entire evening without any problems, there are other times (in the middle of a chat, for instance, or when I'm just about to send some mail) when I distressingly discover that I'm not quite as constantly connected as, seven years ago, I thought I was, and forever would be.

There are, of course, other activities that I can occupy my time with. Washing the dishes, for instance, playing a game of Set with Hila, or falling asleep in front of the television news. There's always a newspaper that hasn't been read, or an article I've sent to the printer that's waiting precisely for a time such as this, and the list of books that don't really get read by simply sitting on my desk but actually have to be opened for me to understand them continues to grow. Still, it would be nice if I didn't have these problems.

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