The Google advantage.

I use quite a number of different tools, and I tend to enjoy the opportunities for mixing, more than for matching, that using them offers me. I like most of what Google makes available to me, but lots of other good and creative people are out there developing interesting and useful tools, and I find value in not limiting myself to one company. That being said, there's certainly a case to be made for a dependence (perhaps even an over-dependence) on Google. Already today, when I run a Google desktop search I can also search my gmail account, and my Google bookmarks are integrated into my Google Notebooks. It certainly can't be difficult for Google to arrange things so that my search history will include items I've searched for within Google's RSS reader, or even searches that I've made within Blogger blogs. When that happens, I'll be willing to seriously consider transferring quite a number of my non-Google tools to their Google counterparts.

Go to: It's not only "saving", or
Go to: One tool to rule them all?