Not exactly a random sample.

In Garrison Keillor's writings about Lake Wobegon, he continually reminded us that the town is a place "where all of the women are strong, the men are good looking, and the children are above average". To a certain extent this might have been written about the earliest users of the internet. The people who had access to computers and modems were often academics who became enamored of these tools. When they attempted to integrate them into their lives it seemed only natural that they would find that their use complimented those lives, reinforced the positive values that they attempted to uphold. So it was hardly surprising to read numerous examples in Rheingold's book that stressed how via their modems people were reaching out to others, helping them in times of need, and more. When, however, "the rest of us" got modems and went online it didn't take long for that appealing shine to tarnish.

Go to: The internet and some of its discontents.