It doesn't matter to them.

During my vacation I received quite a bit of mail. At least to some of it I also responded. Some of this mail was sent by people who knew that I was away, but wanted to establish contact for one reason or another. Some, however, was sent by people who had no idea that I was away. To some of those in this second group I responded that I was in Canada, but to at least a few of them I simply responded. Place was, in this case, unimportant. As far as they were concerned, I could have been at home. Considering that they would have received the same response had I been writing from home, perhaps I was. To paraphrase a song I never particularly liked (and don't even know who wrote or performed it):
wherever I write my mail, that's my home.

Go to: But isn't that missing the point?, or
Go to: Get into my cloud.