The page about the title.

It's clear to me that the title of this column is for most, if not for all, of my eight readers, cryptic at the least. Why, or how, is being able to do something, connected to the concept of tagging? I'll answer that question in a paragraph. But before doing so, I have to confess that what would logically seem to be the obvious title for a column of this sort had already been used numerous times. A blog about tagging (referred to in this column) is called You're It. Steven Levy's Newsweek article on tagging bears the title In the New Game of Tag, All of Us Are It. Nobody, of course, can lay claim to owning that phrase, but I prefer to steer clear from ... well, from being tagged as yet another person who uses it.

But it occurred to me that the Firesign Theater, famous long enough ago to already be forgotten, but also to be immortalized on the web, had, in the question that was the title to their second album, touched upon the essence of tagging: How Can You Be in Two Places at Once When You're Not Anywhere at All. If you really are somewhere, it's hard to be somewhere else as well, but if you're not anywhere at all, in other words, not something tangible, but instead a digital construct, it really is possible. So thanks to the Firesign Theater, it seems to me that we've touched the essence, and gained a title.

Go to: A vague concept waiting to materialize, or
Go to: But you can, you can!