Actually turning the pages.

I can hardly remember when the last time I actually held a current copy of a printed computer magazine (or just about any other magazine) in my hands. It would be an exaggeration to say that all of my reading today takes place online, but a great deal of it certainly does. Though there were often articles in those magazines that I found interesting, and even useful, the advertisements were by far the more interesting part - enticing promises of new hardware and software that might perhaps make the fascinating box that sat on our desks actually do something that we'd want it to do. Almost six years ago I reported on the adventure that ensued upon finding a (then) five year old issue of a magazine of that sort. It's hard for me to do that today. I'd have to stumble across something on an old hard drive.

Go to: Being in the right place at the right time, or
Go to: Carrying cognitive baggage from the old country