The name is already taken.

I'll be the first to admit that "inter-connecting communities" just doesn't have the right ring to it. It sounds forced, even pedantic. There must be a better word.

And, of course, there is. I would have preferred to refer to these as "social networks", especially since that's pretty clearly what they are. But that phrase has been getting a great deal of use of late, and though there's more than just a little bit of overlap between today's accepted use of the term and what I'm referring to, I had to find a separate term to clarify what I'm trying to describe. Then again, the "inter-connecting" element is perhaps quite accurate. When I learn that someone whom I know from a work-related framework has forwarded something not only to me, but to someone whom I know from a "social" framework who has then forwarded the same message to me as well, I have solid evidence of inter-connectivity.

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