Whatever happened to ...

That particular article on the disruptive qualities of blogs was written by John Hiler. I know very little about him, and though I'm rather adept at running web searches, I've met quite a bit of difficulty finding out more. He apparently contributed to a blog I read frequently, though I can't seem to find anything there by him in the past few years. I think I've found a blog of his on what is apparently a new company that he runs. I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that he's one of the many people who tried to convert a good idea into a lucrative one, and didn't succeed. (As far back as February of 2004, somebody else asked pretty much the same question.) And though there are plenty of talented and good people out there, if this is truly what happened to John Hiler, it's a pity. It was only through the roundabout method of Google's cache that I was able to find a copy of his article from May of 2005, Google's War on Hierarchy, and the Death of Hierarchical Folders. It's a very good article and one that deserves better than to be almost totally inaccessible, and I'm sure that he's written additional worthwhile items that I can't find at all.

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