Unfair judgment.

I may be acting very unfairly toward MyStickies. It may be a very useful tool, and it may even do precisely what I want it to. I may simply not have given it enough of a chance. And that's because I wanted it to meet expectations that weren't necessarily those that the developers of this tool planned it to do. Rather simply put, I've been looking for a replacement for uTOK - a favorite tool of mine which I referred to a number of times in the past, that has been defunct since 2001. The demise of uTOK was due to a lack of economic viability, meaning that the developers of the tool didn't make enough money to keep afloat. Perhaps that means that they were ahead of their time. I'm still looking for something as simple and as elegant as that tool, and perhaps because of that I judge tools like MyStickies too harshly.

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