An apology.

I realize that there may be people reading this column who weren't aware, until their reading this, that Mom had died. Some of these people (though undoubtedly very few, if any) found this column by chance and may be reading this with the same degree of detached curiosity that I have when I chance upon other people's personal histories on the web. Others, however, may be people whom I know who hadn't yet heard of Mom's death, and had they done so, would have wanted to send their condolences. My own ambivalence toward the extent to which these columns represent a personal web site kept me, until now, from using them in such a clearly personal way.

Actually, it was my brother who suggested an examination of how internet related tools played a role in this significant family experience. I'm sure his perspective on this would be slightly different, but he has his own framework in which he can examine these same issues.

If anyone reading this feels that they should have been informed of Mom's death before now (or only that they would have wanted to have been informed) I apologize for not doing so.

Go to: In health and in sickness