Go check that out.

I don't have statistics on whether there's a constant trickle of declarations on the importance of content, or whether it's a subject that comes and goes with the whims of feature writers and editors. Frankly, I can't even imagine how I might go about collecting statistics of this sort without devoting much more time to it than I have available to me. Just about any investigation of a question such as this is thus probably rather subjective. When I choose to run some searches on a particular handful of terms, my results are a number of articles from a particular time. Chances are good that had I chosen even slightly different search terms, my results would have been different articles, from different periods of time.

The question of whether the emphasis on content (or at least the lip service to it) is a constant or whether it fluctuates definitely seems to be a valuable question that invites investigation. Frankly, I'd like to know which is correct. But I'm quite sure that it's not going to be me doing the investigating.

Go to: Content? Did somebody mention content?