It's still there too.

The Roadmap to the Internet tutorials are still on the web - including where I last linked to them. (There are still numerous references to these tutorials on the web, though I found only a handful of actual copies on different servers.) This is obviously a set of pages that haven't been maintained, though whether that's because of negligence or on purpose, I don't know. It would make sense to guess that whoever posted them there simply moved onto something else. At the bottom of the main page of the server that hosts the tutorials we can find that it was "Last Updated on Tuesday, June 17, 2003", though the page itself has the look of being from a much earlier era. At the top of that page the correct date appears, except that the year is listed as 3905, and I doubt that in another 1900 years the site is still going to be around.

Go to: It's still there, or
Go to: How to lose an online argument.