Still there.

There must be people out there who, upon encountering a page with an article about free speech and the internet from 1997, simply take a quick glance at the page and click over to something else. That's totally legitimate, and frankly, the article probably has more value for its historic interest than for what it has to say. But I was frankly less interested in reading the article than in learning whether the online journal in which it appeared was still around.

It was, with monthly installments from 1995 to the present. Even though I haven't found a reason to visit this site for many years, to my mind that's still quite an achievement. But as I clicked through the site, getting a feel for what's there, I also discovered that an exhibit I once wrote about, years ago - An Auschwitz Alphabet - was part of the site. It wasn't exactly deja-vu, but there was definitely a feeling of recognizing an old friend.

Go to: At least we don't run out of information, or
Go to: Fort PC.