B. Tsirelson



  1. 1973 B.S. Tsirel'son, "The partially ordered square of a normed space" (Russian).
    Optimizacija (Novosibirsk, USSR) 12 (29), 122-126. [MR54#887]
  2. 1974 B.S. Tsirel'son, "A sum of periodic functions and some series with small gaps."
    (Russian) Zapiski LOMI 39, 198-199. [MR50#10671]
    (English) 1977 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 8:1, 150-151.
  3. 1974 B.S. Cirel'son, "On the sum of periodic functions and an extension operator continuous in measure."
    (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 216:5, 1001-1003. [MR50#7933]
    (English) 1974 Soviet Mathematics - Doklady 15:3, 946-948.
  4. 1974 B.S. Tsirel'son, "Not every Banach space contains an imbedding of lp or c0."
    (Russian) Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 8:2, 57-60. [MR50#2871]
    (English) 1974 Funct. Anal. and Appl. 8:2, 138-141. [download]
  5. 1974 V.N. Sudakov, B.S. Tsirel'son, "Extremal properties of half-spaces for spherically invariant measures."
    (Russian) Zapiski LOMI 41, 14-24. [MR51#1932]
    (English) 1978 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 9:1, 9-18.
  6. 1975 B.S. Tsirel'son, "An example of a stochastic differential equation having no strong solution."
    (Russian) Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 20:2, 427-430. [MR51#11654]
    (English) 1975 Theory Probab. Appl. 20:2, 416-418.
  7. 1975 B.S. Tsirel'son, "Some properties of lacunary series and Gaussian measures that are connected with uniform versions of the Egorov and Luzin properties."
    (Russian) Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 20:3, 664-667. [MR51#13574]
    (English) 1975 Theory Probab. Appl. 20:3, 652-655.
  8. 1975 B.S. Tsirel'son, "A continuous strong Markov process becomes a Feller process after extending the metric."
    (Russian) Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 20:3, 688-689.
    (English) 1975 Theory Probab. Appl. 20:3, 675-676.
  9. 1975 B.S. Tsirel'son, "The density of the distribution of the maximum of a Gaussian process."
    (Russian) Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 20:4, 865-873. [MR52#15633]
    (English) 1975 Theory Probab. Appl. 20:4, 847-856.
  10. 1976 B.S. Cirel'son, I.A. Ibragimov, V.N. Sudakov, "Norms of Gaussian sample functions."
    Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Springer) 550, 20-41. [MR56#16756]
  11. 1976 B.S. Tsirel'son, "A natural modification of a random process and its application to stochastic functional series and Gaussian measures."
    (Russian) Zapiski LOMI 55, 35-63. [MR53#11727]
    (English) 1981 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 16:2, 940-956.
  12. 1976 B.S. Tsirel'son, "An inhomogeneous local interaction can create a "distant order" in one-dimensional system."
    (Russian) Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 21:3, 681-683.
    (English) 1976 Theory Probab. Appl. 21:3, 663-665.
  13. 1977 B.S. Tsirel'son, "Addendum to the article on natural modification."
    (Russian) Zapiski LOMI 72, 202-211. [MR58#24499]
    (English) 1983 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 23:3, 2363-2369.
  14. 1977 B.S. Cirel'son, "Reliable storage of information in a system of unreliable components with local interactions."
    (Russian) In collection: "Locally interacting Markov processes in biology" (ed. Dobrushin et al.), Pushchino (Moscow region), 24-38.
    (English) 1978 Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Springer) 653, 15-30. [MR58#20899]
  15. 1978 B.S. Tsirel'son, "Whether a random local interaction can lead to the collective behavior."
    (Russian) Uspekhi Matem. Nauk 33:1 (199), 245-246.
  16. 1979 B.S. Tsirel'son, "On formal description of quantum systems that are similar to systems of stochastic automata" (Russian).
    In collection: "Locally interacting Markov processes and their application to biology" (ed. Dobrushin et al.), Pushchino (Moscow region), 100-138.
  17. 1980 B.S. Cirel'son, "Quantum generalizations of Bell's inequality."
    Lett. Math. Phys. 4:2, 93-100. [MR81e:81011] [download]
  18. 1982 B.S. Tsirel'son, "A geometrical approach to maximum likelihood estimation for infinite-dimensional Gaussian location. I."
    (Russian) Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 27:2, 388-395. [MR83i:62150]
    (English) 1982 Theory Probab. Appl. 27:2, 411-418. [download]
  19. 1983 E.M. Semënov, B.S. Tsirel'son, "The problem of smallness of operator blocks in Lp spaces" (Russian).
    Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 2:4, 367-373. [MR85d:47031]
  20. 1985 B.S. Tsirel'son, "A geometric approach to maximum likelihood estimation for infinite-dimensional Gaussian location. II."
    (Russian) Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 30:4, 772-779. [MR87i:62152]
    (English) 1985 Theory Probab. Appl. 30:4, 820-828. [download]
  21. 1985 L.A. Khalfin, B.S. Tsirelson, "Quantum and quasi-classical analogs of Bell inequalities."
    Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1985 (ed. Lahti et al.; World Sci. Publ.), 441-460. [MR87i:81016, the collection] [download]
  22. 1985 B.S. Tsirel'son, "Quantum analogues of the Bell inequalities. The case of two spatially separated domains."
    (Russian) Zapiski LOMI 142, 174-194. [MR86g:81009]
    (English) 1987 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 36:4, 557-570. [download]
  23. 1986 M.A. Lifshitz, B.S. Tsirel'son, "Small deviations of Gaussian fields."
    (Russian) Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 31:3, 632-633.
    (English) 1986 Theory Probab. Appl. 31:3, 557-558.
  24. 1987 B.S. Tsirel'son, "A geometric approach to maximum likelihood estimation for infinite-dimensional Gaussian location. III."
    (Russian) Teor. Verojatnost. i Primenen. 31:3, 537-549. [MR88c:62140]
    (English) 1987 Theory Probab. Appl. 31:3, 470-483. [download]
  25. 1987 L.A. Khalfin, B.S. Tsirelson, "A quantitative criterion of the applicability of the classical description within the quantum theory."
    Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1987 (ed. Lahti et al.; World Sci. Publ.) 369-401. [MR91i:81005, the collection]
  26. [download]
  27. 1990 B.S. Tsirel'son, "Stationary Gaussian processes with a compactly supported correlation function."
    (Russian) Zapiski LOMI 184, 279-288. [MR92g:60052]
    (English) 1994 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 68:4, 597-603.
  28. 1992 L.A. Khalfin, B.S. Tsirelson, "Quantum/classical correspondence in the light of Bell's inequalities."
    Foundations of Physics 22:7, 879-948. [MR93k:81017] [download]
  29. 1992 A.M. Vershik, B.S. Tsirelson, "Formulation of Bell type problems, and "noncommutative" convex geometry."
    Advances in Soviet Mathematics (AMS) 9, 95-114. [MR93i:46130]
  30. 1993 B.S. Tsirelson, "Some results and problems on quantum Bell-type inequalities."
    Hadronic Journal Supplement 8:4, 329-345. [MR1254597] [MR1307405]
  31. 1993 B.S. Tsirelson, "A new framework for old Bell inequalities."
    Helvetica Physica Acta 66:7/8, 858-874. [MR95e:81021]
  32. 1996 B.S. Tsirelson, "Fine structure of EPR state and universal quantum correlation."
    Annals of the Israel Physical Society 12, 83-87.
  33. 1996 L. Dubins, J. Feldman, M. Smorodinsky, B. Tsirelson, "Decreasing sequences of sigma-fields and a measure change for Brownian motion."
    Annals of Probability 24:2, 882-904. [MR97g:60106]
  34. 1996 J. Feldman, B. Tsirelson, "Decreasing sequences of sigma-fields and a measure change for Brownian motion. II."
    Annals of Probability 24:2, 905-911. [MR97g:60107]
  35. 1997 B. Tsirelson, "Wave noise: a nonlinear analog of the white noise."
    Nonlinear Analysis 30:1, 275-278. [MR1489788]
  36. 1997 B. Tsirelson, "Triple points: from non-Brownian filtrations to harmonic measures."
    Geom. and Funct. Anal. 7:6, 1096-1142. [MR2001g:60199]
  37. 1998 B.S. Tsirelson, A.M. Vershik, "Examples of nonlinear continuous tensor products of measure spaces and non-Fock factorizations."
    Reviews in Mathematical Physics 10:1, 81-145. [MR99c:60085]
  38. 1998 B. Tsirelson, "Within and beyond the reach of Brownian innovation."
    Proc. Internat. Congress Math. (Berlin 1998), Vol. 3, 311-320. [MR99i:60082]
  39. 1999 O. Schramm, B. Tsirelson, "Trees, not cubes: hypercontractivity, cosiness, and noise stability."
    Electronic Communication in Probability 4:6, 39-49. [MR2000k:60143] (Also arXiv:math.PR/9902116.)
  40. 2002 B. Tsirelson, "Spectral densities describing off-white noises."
    Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare - Probab. Statist. 38:6, 1059-1069. [MR2004b:60171] (Also arXiv:math.PR/0104027.)
  41. 2003 B. Tsirelson, "Non-isomorphic product systems."
    In: Advances in Quantum Dynamics (eds. G. Price et al), Contemporary Mathematics 335, AMS, pp. 273-328. [MR2029632] (Also arXiv:math.FA/0210457.)
  42. 2004 B. Tsirelson, "Scaling limit, noise, stability."
    In: Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1840, Springer, pp. 1-106. [MR2005g:60066] (Also arXiv:math.PR/0301237.)
  43. 2004 B. Tsirelson, "Nonclassical stochastic flows and continuous products."
    Probability Surveys 1, 173-298. [MR2005m:60080] (Also arXiv:math.PR/0402431.)
  44. 2004 M. Sodin, B. Tsirelson, "Random complex zeroes, I. Asymptotic normality."
    Israel Journal of Mathematics 144, 125-149 (2004). [MR2005k:60079] (Also arXiv:math.CV/0210090.)
  45. 2005 M. Sodin, B. Tsirelson, "Random complex zeroes, III. Decay of the hole probability."
    Israel Journal of Mathematics 147, 371-379. [MR2007a:60028] (Also arXiv:math.CV/0312258.)
  46. 2005 E. Glasner, B. Tsirelson, B. Weiss, "The automorphism group of the Gaussian measure cannot act pointwise."
    Israel Journal of Mathematics 148, 305-329. [MR2006i:37008] (Also arXiv:math.DS/0311450.)
  47. 2006 M. Sodin, B. Tsirelson, "Random complex zeroes, II. Perturbed lattice."
    Israel Journal of Mathematics 152, 105-124 (2006). [MR2007a:60027] (Also arXiv:math.CV/0309449.)
  48. 2006 B. Tsirelson, "Brownian local minima, random dense countable sets and random equivalence classes."
    Electronic Journal of Probability 11:7, 162-198. [MR2007j:60136]
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