Parallel Computing in the School of Computer Science,
      Tel-Aviv University

Q U I C K     S T A R T

Create an .rhosts file in your home directory with permissions set to 600 (-rw-------) that allows to to rsh without a password to nova, plab-01 up to plab-34, and plab-151 up to plab-168. Then connect to nova and type qsub -l nodes=1:m1GB -I. This will allocate a dedicated 1GB server for you and connect you to a shell on that server. To terminate, type exit. Do not log on directly to these servers; your processes may be killed.


The school of computer science maintains a cluster of 52 dual-processor linux computers for parallel computing and other compute-intensive computations.

The cluster is divided into two groups of computers:

  • 34 computers that can also be used as workstations. These computers have 256MB of main memory and 2 Pentium-III processors running at 500 or 550MHz. They can run Windows under VMware. These machines are located in the student lab in room 004.
  • 18 dedicated compute servers. These computers have 1 or 2GB of main memory, 2 Pentium-III processors running at 600MHz, and fast SCSI disks. They have a lot of available scratch disk space under /tmp. These machines are located in the computer room in the basement.

Parallel and computational-intensive jobs are submitted to the cluster using a job queueing system called PBS. PBS allocates computers to jobs according to availability and requested features (such as memory size). It is possible to run interactive programs and shells under PBS.

R U L E S !

  • The 18 dedicated servers should be used only through PBS, since we want to ensure that they are not time-shared among several compute-intesive jobs. (avoiding time sharing ensures that users get all the physical memory of the machine and allows reliable performance measurements.) Do not log on to them directly using rsh, rlogin, telnet or ssh except to kill jobs, delete files from /tmp, and so on.
  • Jobs that use the 34 servers in room 004 should not use more than one physical processor and should not use more than 128MB of main memory, since we want to leave enough resources for interactive use. Do not run multithreaded processes on them and do not run more than one process.
  • The cluster was funded by the Israeli Academy of Sciences (ISF), by the Vaada le-Tiktzuv ve-Tikhnun, and by the University. Research articles that describe research that was conducted using the cluster (either the workstations in 004 or the dedicated servers) must acknowledge the ISF using the phrase "This research was supported in part by THE ISRAEL SCIENCE FOUNDATION founded by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities." You must also provide me (Sivan) with the full citation of all such articles in both email and hardcopy.

H O W     T O     R U N     P R O G R A M S

We programs using a job-sumission system called PBS. The programs can be compiled on nova or any of the interactive plab computers (plab-02 up to plab-34; some may be down). Programs are submitted from nova (only; not from plabs) and they run on plab computers. Here are instructions that explain how to compile MPI programs and how to use PBS.

I recommend that you download the sample files below on a Unix or Linux machine, as opposed to downloading on a Windows machine and transferring them to your account. In one case that I have seen downloading the samples on a Windows machine caused some hidden control characters to be inserted into the files and this prevented PBS from running them properly.

  • To compile a parallel MPI program, use the command mpicc. This command accepts the same arguments as gcc. If you intend to run sequential jobs compile your programs normally on nova. You can also run existing sequential programs, such as Matlab.
  • We run programs using a job submission system called PBS. To run a program, you submit a script to PBS wait until it completes. You can only use PBS on nova!
  • Before you try to use PBS, make sure that you can use rsh to/from any of the plabs without typing your password, otherwise PBS and MPI won't work. To ensure that rsh works, copy this file to your home directory under the name .rhosts (don't forget the period), change in the file username to your user name, and give it permissions 600 (use chmod 600 ~/.rhosts). Check that it works by running rsh from nova to one of the plabs and from one of the plabs to another and making sure you are not requested to type your password.
  • Here is a sample PBS script called script.pbs. The MPI program that you want to run and its arguments is specified in the last line. In our case, the program is hello.c, and we compile it using mpicc -O3 -o hello hello.c
  • We run the program using the command qsub -l nodes=3 script.pbs (3 is the number of computers that will run the program in parallel). We get back from qsub the job identifier; in my case it was
  • We can find out whether the job is running or not and what other jobs are running using the command qstat. The important states that a job can be in are queued (Q; waiting), running (R), and exiting (E).
  • You can find out more details about about your job using the command qstat -f 11 (here 11 is the job id).
  • You can cancel the job, whether it is still waiting or running using the command qdel 11 (here 11 is the job id).
  • When the job completes, its standard output and standard error are copied into the directory that contains the script under the names .o (output) and .e (error). In my case, these files were called script.pbs.o11 and script.pbs.e11.
  • PBS will send you mail when the job starts running, exits, or is aborted. (Due to the line #PBS -m abe in the script.)
  • The script requests 5 minutes CPU time (total over all processors) using the line #PBS -l cput=05:00. PBS will kill the job when it exceeds its CPU time. PBS will also kill the job when it runs for too long even if does not consume CPU time. The resource name that controls how long a job can run is walltime. If you need to run long jobs, talk to me.
  • The graphical tool xpbsmon is useful for determinig the status of the entire system. Here is a screenshot (click to zoom in)

    You can see that I am running one job that uses 4 nodes (brown). There are also free nodes (green), inaccesible ones (black), and nodes that are down (red). To set the tool up click on its Pref.. button and add nova as a server (delete other ones). To update the view, click Pref and Redisplay (or set up the auto update feature).
  • You can also run MPI programs interactively using mpirun directly (not in a PBS script). Please don't do it unless it's an emergency and PBS does not work.
  • You can also use PBS to run sequential jobs. Here is a script, matjob.pbs that runs a matlab program, sample.m.
  • You can run interactive programs under PBS using qsub -I.
  • To request a dedicated node with 1GB, use qsub -l nodes=1:m1GB. For a 2GB dedicated node, use qsub -l nodes=1:m2GB.
  • You can request any dedicated node using qsub -l nodes=1:s600MHz but we request that you avoid this since you might be allocated a 2GB node when you can use a 1GB one.
  • It is also possible to use shared-memory as a communication medium for MPI (we normally use TCP/IP). This works on all the dual and quad processors in the school and on larger machines in the computation center and HPCU.
  • The HPCU has several large parallel computers that can run MPI programs. If you need access, talk to me.

© Sivan Toledo, 2000. Last updated July 20, 2000.