Racing Balls - מרוץ כדורים
בחר את אחת משלושת האפשרויות בשרטוט

When the two balls are launched from one end of the track with the same initial velocity, what will happen:

    1) the ball #1 on the straight track arrives at the other end first
    2) the ball #2 on the track with the dip arrives at the other end first
    3) the race is a tie - both balls reach the other end at the same time?
    This is a java version for one of our physics demostration.
    Think about it, select the answer to active the program.
      Did you get the correct answer?
    Press the start button to restart.

  1. Click the left button within the window will suspend the animation
    1. click it again to resume.
  2. Clcik the right mouse button and drag it up and down
    1. to change the shape of the lower track.
  3. Click more information checkbox to display more information
  4. Shape of the track ( from left to right)
    1. section 1 red curve: part of a circle (1/4)
        tangential component of the gravitation field is the source of the acceleration.
      section 2 blue curve: Trajectory for a projectile
        (with initial velocity when it entering this region)
        So, horizontal component of the velocity is a constant.
      section 3 red curve: part of a circle.
        The solpe for the curves match at the boundary.
        particle will accelerate (as section 1) but with different acceleration
      sectin 4 blue curve: Trajectory for projectile similar similar to section 2
      section 5 green line: horizontal line.
        The velocity is a constant in this region.
  5. The horizontal component of the velocities are also shown.

This applet was originated from one of the demonstrations developed by Prof. Berg (Dept. of physics at Maryland, Collega Park) many years ago.

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