Shmulik Marco The School of Geosciences

Publications (resulting from Yonni Shaked's PhD)

  1. Shaked, Y., Agnon, A., Cohen, C., Lazar, B., Marco, S., Sass, E., and Stein, M. 2002. Late Holocene shorelines at the Gulf of Elat: Migrating shorelines despite tectonic and sea level stability. EGS Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series 2:105-111. pdf
  2. Shaked, Y., Lazar, B., Marco, S., Stein, M., Tchernov, D. and Agnon, A., 2003. Detailed evolution of fringing reefs: space and time constraints from the Gulf of Aqaba. Coral Reefs, DOI: 10.1007s00338-004-0454-2. pdf
  3. Shaked, Y., Agnon, A., Lazar, B., Marco, S., Avner, U. and Stein, M., 2004. Large earthquakes kill coral reefs at the NW Gulf of Aqaba. Terra Nova, 16(3): 133-138. pdf
  4. Shaked, Y., Lazar, B., Marco, S., Stein, M., and Agnon A., 2012, Late Holocene events that shaped the shoreline at the northern Gulf of Aqaba recorded by a buried fossil reef: Israel J. Earth Sci, v. 58, no. 3-4, p. 355-368. DOI: 10.1560/IJES.58.3–4.355  pdf