Shmulik Marco The School of Geosciences

We use airborne laser scanning to characterize surface processes in response to the receding Dead Sea level, in particular the formation of shorelines, sinkholes, and channel incision in recently-exposed terrain.

Partners: Yoav Avni, Revital Bookman, and Sagi Filin, who analyzed the scanning data (Technion) with his students Amit Baruch, Smadar Morik, and Reuma Arav.




  1. Filin, S., Baruch, A., Avni, Y., and Marco, S., 2011, Sinkhole characterization in the Dead Sea area using airborne laser scanning: Natural Hazards, v. 58, pg 1135-1154. doi: 10.1007/s11069-011-9718-7. pdf
  2. Filin, S., Baruch, A., Morik, S., Avni, Y., and Marco, S., 2010, Characterization of land degradation processes using airborne laser scanning: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science, v. XXXVIII, Part 8, p. 883-888. pdf
  3. Filin, S., Baruch, A., Morik, S., Avni, Y., and Marco, S., 2012, Use of airborne laser scanning to characterise land degradation processes – the Dead Sea as a case study: Survey Review, v. 44, p. 84-90 (DOI: 10.1179/1752270611Y.0000000001) pdf
  4. Filin, S., Avni, Y., Baruch, A., Morik, S., Arav, R., and Marco, S., 2014, Characterization of land degradation along the receding Dead Sea coastal zone using airborne laser scanning: Geomorphology, v. 206, no. 0, p. 403-420. pdf
  5. Bookman, R., Filin, S., Avni, Y., Rosenfeld, D., and Marco, S., 2014, Possible connection between large volcanic eruptions and level rise episodes in the Dead Sea Basin: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 89, p. 123-128. pdf