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Bad Breath (halitosis) Research

bvtitle.gif (3004 bytes)Bad Breath Video

For the first time, a professional video on what bad breath is, where it comes from, and what to do about it. The video, produced in 1994 at the University of Toronto, summarizes almost everything you want to know about bad breath into a single 25-minute program. Recommended for dental professionals, dental and medical students, and interested individuals.

"... I bought and read your book. It was great, very informative as well... the video with Dr. McCulloch is even better for training staff..."
Dr. B.G., Toronto

$48 (handling and shipping included). $44 for members of the International Society for Breath Odor Research (to apply for membership to the Society please contact Prof. Mel Rosenberg, via fax: 972-3-6406023 or e-mail (

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For further information:

Telephone: 972-3-6428765; 972-3-6408113
Fax: 972-3-6429865