Answer to the Question 10/05


The question was:

The picture above shows a part of a mechanical contraption exhibited in the main gallery of the MIT museum. The contraption begins with a motor (on the left) turning at 212 revolutions per minute. It is connected to a sequence of N worm-gears, that can be seen in the picture. Each worm-gear pair reduces the rotation speed by a factor of 50. The axle of the last gear in the sequence is embedded in a concrete wall and cannot rotate! Assuming that each gear consists of an axle of about 10 cm in length and 1 cm in diameter, find the smallest N for which such an arrangement is possible.

(2/06) This problem has been solved correctly (11/1/06) by Dan Miller (e-mail

The answer: 8 gear pairs will probably suffice to keep the exhibit running for a century or so. Either the motor or the exhibit or the building will cease to exist by then... The actual contraption at MIT has 12 gear pairs.

The solution: The solution of the problem relies on the existence of backlash (the play between adjacent movable parts) between the gears. By assuming that the last gear pair has a backlash of, say, 1/100 of the complete rotation one can estimate how long will it take N gear pairs to create such a rotation in the before-the-last gear. By assuming that the contraption has to exist for few hundred years (or few billions of years, as assumed by Miller) one can estimate the number or gears. In the absence of backlash one would like to rely on elasticity and estimate how much torque can be applied on the last gear before it breaks. (This can be estimated from its dimensions, and the knowledge of the material from which it is made.)

Here is what Miller actually wrote:
Let's assume that these gears are relatively finely machined, such that the backlash at each gear is 1/100 of a revolution of the worm. Let's also assume that the motor is solar powered, and that the solar cells, motor, gears, bearings, etc will last forever. BUT, our sun will only be around for ~1,000,000,000 years or so. If the motor runs at 212 rpm for 1*109 years, it will rotate 1.1*1017 times. Getting back to the backlash, the last worm needs to rotate 1/100 revolutions to "lock-up" or break something. This means the previous worm must rotate 50/100 revolutions plus its own back-lash or 0.51 revolutions. The next worm must rotate 50 * 0.51 revolutions or 25.5 revolutions plus its own backlash or 25.51 revolutions. The backlash starts to become insignificant, and the motor revolutions required to take the slop out of the system are ~5*1016 for 12 gear sets, or ~2.5*1018 for 13 gear sets. With our solar life expectancy assumed to be 1.1*1017 revolutions of a 212 rpm motor (or 1,000,000,000 years) then we can safely say that the sun will burn out prior to the last shaft needing to rotate.

Now you can view the entire exhibit:

This is how MIT Museum explains its own exhibit.

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