Members of the Faculty of Engineering

Abboud, Shimon
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Phone at TAU: 03-6407397
Fax: 03-6405312

Research area: Electrical activity of the brain.
Current Research Topics: Modeling the electrical activity of the brain. The volume conductor problem for the potentials generated in the brain. Left-right potential asymmetry in brain-damaged patients.

Methods and Techniques: Finite Volume method for solving the volume conductor problem for the potentials generated in the brain.

Burshtein, David
Phone at TAU: 03-6408057
Fax: 03-6407095

Research area: Digital signal processing. Estimation theory. Speech analysis and speech enhancement. Speech recognition. Neural networks and associative memories.

Current Research Topics: as indicated above.

Methods and Techniques: Statistical methods for analysing and constructing signal processing algorithms and neural networks.

Croitoru, Nathan
Phone at TAU: 03-6408138
Fax: 03-6423508

Research area:
Electron devices and IR Laser delivery systems - medicine.

Current Research Topics:
Bioengineering. Medical delivery systems. IR radiation wave-guides for surgery and medicine. Electron devices and thin film.

Methods and Techniques:
Vacum deposition. Sputtering. Chemical methods of deposition (electroless). CO2. Er-YAG medical lasers. Microelectronics technology (DLTS). Scattering measurements of laser radiation on tissue. Electron devices and microelectron circuit characterization.

Hanein, Yael
Phone at TAU: 03-6407397 03-6407397
Fax: 03-6405312

Research area:

Current Research Topics:
Activity of patterned neuronal networks, Electrode technology for artificial retina.

Methods and Techniques:
Multi electrode array recording and stimulation, Ca imaging, Soft lithography for neuronal patterning, Carbon nanotube electrodes, Retinal in vitro recording, Time lapse imaging of developing cells.

Furst , Miriam Phone at TAU: 03-6408050
Fax: 03-6407095

Research area:
Auditory system. Cochlea. Binaural hearing. Speech and music perception.

Current Research Topics:
Modeling of the cochlea. Binaural hearing: model, psycho acoustic measuremets. Processing of MR images.

Methods and Techniques:
Mathematical techniques. Experiments.

Kiryati, Nahum
Phone at TAU: 03-6407767

Research Area:
Computer Vision, Image and Video Analysis, Medical Imaging

Margaliot, Michael Dept. of Electrical Engineering-Systems Phone at TAU: 03-6407768

Research area:
Knowledge-based neurocomputing.

Current Research Topics:
Knowledge insertion and extraction from artificial neural networks using fuzzy logic tools.

Marom, Emanuel
Phone at TAU: 03-6406066
Fax: 03-6428946

Research area:
Neural networks. Electro-optic implementation of computation simulations. Associative memories. Optical communications, modulation, switching and fibers. Diffractive optic elements (DOE). Image enhancement.

Current Research Topics:
Electro-optics parallel processors. Pattern correlation. All-optical switching

Methods and Techniques:
Electronic and electro-optic simulation of neural net functions (internal representations, recurrent nets). Electro-optic components for signal processing, beam forming and communication.

Spitzer, Hedva
Phone at TAU: 03-6409017
Fax: 03-6407939

Research area:
Visual processing. Computational vision.

Current Research Topics:
Experimental and theoretical color coding, color constancy, Visual adaptation, compression wide dynamic range, assimilation effects, subjective colors and chromatic Mach bands. Medical images: compression HDR (high dynamic range) CT, mammography, ultra sound images. Experimental and modeling of Kanizsa illusion and lateral facilitation and their inspiration to salience contour modeling.

Methods and Techniques:
Psychophysics. Computational vision and electrophysiology.