French Feminism: from Simone de Beauvoir till today
French Feminism: from Simone de Beauvoir till today


Albistur Maïté, Armogathe Daniel, Histoire du Féminisme Français
du Moyen Age à Nos Jours
, Paris, Ed. des Femmes, 1977.

De Beauvoir, Simone. The Second Sex, Picador Classics, London
1988. (Translation published in 1953)
Simone de Beauvoir 1
Simone de Beauvoir 2

Christine Delphy, "The Invention of French Feminism", Yale French
, 87,1995, Special Issue: Another Look Another Woman: The
Reconstitution of French Feminism.

Duby Georges, Michèle Perrot, Histoire des femmes, Plon Paris, 1991, translated as History of Women in the West.
Michèle Perrot.

Duchen, Claire. Feminism in France, May 68 to Mitterand Routledge,, London & Boston, 1986.

Duchen, Claire, French Connections, Voices from the Women's Movement in France, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst 1987.

Gill Allwood, French Feminisms, Gender and Violence in Contemporary Theory, UCL Press, London 1998.

Laubier Claire, The Condition of Women in France, 1945 to the Present, a Documentary Anthology Routledge,, London & Boston, 1990.

Marks, Elaine and the Courtivron Isabelle. New French Feminism,
University of Massachusetts, 1980.

Sarde Michel, Regard sur les Françaises Stock, , Paris, 1983.

Toril Moi, French Feminist Thought, Blackwell, Oxford, 1987.

Toril Moi, Feminist Theory and Simone de Beauvoir, Blackwell, Oxford, 1990.

The Kristeva Reader, edited by Toril Moi, Blackwell, Oxford, 1986.
Julia Kristeva

The Irigaray Reader, edited by Whitford Margaret, Blackwell, Oxford, 1991.
Luce Irigaray 1
Luce Irigaray 2

The Hélène Cixous reader, edited by Susan Sellers, Routledge 1994.
Hélène Cixous

Spivak, Gayatri-Chakravorty, "French Feminism in an International
Frame", in Yale French Studiesno.62, 1981, 154-184 or in Other Worlds.
Spivak, Gayatri-Chakravorty

Scott Wallach Joan, Only Paradoxes to Offer, French Feminists and the Rights of Man, Harvard University Press, Massachusetts, 1996.
Scott Wallach Joan

Scott Wallach Joan, Universalism and the History of Feminism, in
Differences: a Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, Vol 7, no.1, spring 1995.

Jackson Stevi, Christine Delphy, Sage Publications, London, 1996.

Yale French Studies:

No.90, 1996, Same Sex, Different Text.
No.87, 1995 Another Look Another Woman: The Reconstitution of French Feminism.
No.75, 1989 The Politics of Tradition: Placing Women in French Literature.
No.71, 1986, Men/Women of Letters.
No.72, Simone de Beauvoir.
No.62, 1981 Feminist Reading: French Texts/American Contexts.
Yale French studies.

Internet Sites:

Feminist Theory Website: Feminism in France
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