Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv University
Physics Colloquium

Academic Year  2000 - 2001

The colloquium is held at Melamed Hall (Room 6) in the Shenkar Physics Building, every Sunday at 16:10. Light refreshments are served outside Melamed Hall at 15:50. 


Sunday, 4 March 16:00

"On the Denaturation Transition of DNA"

David Mukamel, Weizmann Institute

When DNA molecules are  heated they undergo a denaturation
transition by which the two strands  of the molecule are separated
and become unbound. This phenomenon has been extensively studied
both theoreticall and experimentally since the sixties. Experimentally,
the denaturation transition is  found to be first order. However
all theoretical  models applied to this problem in the last four decates
yield a continuous transition.

A new  theoretical approach for studying this transition will be described.
It yields a first order transition, in agreement with experimental
observations.  Some  new predictions and experimental implications
of this approach will be discussed.

Next Colloquium Fall 2000 Schedule Spring 2001 Schedule
For more information or for directions to Melamed Hall please contact: Yardena Mori  +972-3-6408636

To suggest potential speakers or register feedback contact: David J. Bergman +972-3-640-8543

Sponsored by:   The School of Physics & Astronomy, The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University.